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Andrew Collins
Oct 28, 2011
Top 5 Social Media Campaigns #5
Over the coming weeks I’ll be sharing the top 5 social media campaigns from the last 5 years. To begin with we feature number 5. Read...

Andrew Collins
Oct 19, 2011
China Strategy x 3
People often ask me the same 2 questions. 1. What exactly is a Chinese Social Media strategy? 2. Has anyone ever told you look like a...

Andrew Collins
Jun 21, 2011
5 Forces to Viral Propensity
Science can play its role in shaping your online strategy. A viral hit is what all marketers aim for, yet so few campaigns take into...
Andrew Collins
Mar 14, 2011
Tips to drive online leads
Looking for a sales lead to be driven online? Through our unique insight, research and client experience we’ve collected a list of the...

Andrew Collins
Jan 24, 2011
Aussie Football Makes Waves in China, Ahead of NFL
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall men in a single bound, look, up in the sky, it’s AFL...
Andrew Collins
Jan 19, 2011
3 Step Process to E-commerce in China
Tackling China’s online e-commerce market can be a daunting experience. It’s our job at Mailman to ensure this transition is smooth and...
Andrew Collins
Jan 11, 2011
How To Get Attention Online
The digital environment today has become so awash with mindless copies and stereotypes of other major web players that the consumer...
Andrew Collins
Jan 5, 2011
Mailman Speaks At AusCham Shanghai
How many of the 400 million online Chinese are you currently selling too? What types of Chinese luxury consumers are you missing out on? ...
Andrew Collins
Dec 20, 2010
Wake Up And Smell The Tea – A RANT
If today you’re not talking to a Chinese consumer seriously, with a dedicated channel push you are simply missing out on the biggest...
Andrew Collins
Dec 13, 2010
RenRen Goes US IPO
The “Facebook of China,” could be coming to the U.S. Oak Pacific Interactive, makers of China’s most popular social networking site...
Andrew Collins
Dec 8, 2010
Mailman Credentials 2011
Mailman are proud to offer our latest company credentials. This document is to be used as a guide for how we approach our business and a...
Andrew Collins
Nov 24, 2010
Case Study #3 Study Victoria
Study Victoria made it’s first foray into an online promotion in China. The objectives was to collect 1000 entrants into a ‘essay...
Andrew Collins
Nov 12, 2010
Guess Who’s The Worlds Biggest Landlord?
Alarming, troubling and yet so ultimately predictable is the assumption Facebook will eventually charge fees for accounts held by...

Andrew Collins
Nov 1, 2010
Luxury Consumers in China, A Unique Insight
With the sheer size of China’s booming luxury market, one can easily be fooled into thinking your product will produce a certain...
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