There are 3 obvious first steps that one would take if they made the decision to move to China.
Follow these same steps to rub shoulders amongst the who’s who of Baidu.
1. Move there.
Buy a local domain from China or Hong Kong (go with .cn or It’s cheap and you’ve got far more available URLs than with the usual .com
Your customers search in Chinese, speak in Chinese and will comment about you in Chinese. Don’t just use Google translator or you might end up with something that sounds like this.
this is what your website will sound like if you don’t get a proper translation
Hire a native speaker and make sure you get those keywords that really matter.
3. Remember where you are, so (just like Austen Power says) BEHAVE!
Google was kicked out of/decided to leave China in April 2010. Baidu is still up and running because it actively censors its websites.
do it!
Stay up to date with what’s going on in China and don’t overstep the line.
Need more technical tips? Check out our 3 Tech Tips to Master China SEO